Am I Overcompensating My Marriage Online?
A Lifestyle Blogger’s View
By Grace K. Bianco
“It’s the relationships where they don’t post about each other that are the happiest. The ones that do are the ones that are trying to not only prove to themselves, but to the world, that their relationship is perfect.”
If you’re on social media, you have probably heard some variation of the quote up above. It’s one I reflect on quite often, because as a lifestyle blogger, I post my husband quite often.
I figured I would discuss when that quote can be applied and when it isn’t necessarily true. I am slightly bias due to the fact that I post my husband any chance I get, but at the same time, I feel like I could shed a lot of light on this topic.
My husband works seasonally, and I am a housewife. So, when he is off for months at a time, we are able to do a lot of things together. This has made us very close. We are so much more than a married couple. Our relationship thrives, because we seek a strong friendship with each other. He really is my best friend. Since we do most things together and I keep up with social media, he is in a lot of my posts.
As a housewife, my job is to care for the house and my husband. If I want to discuss my job, there’s no avoiding talking about him.
See, where I am going?
Back when I was still single and lived at home, I was really close with my sister. I was a lifestyle blogger then too. She came up in a lot of posts. When we did things together, I posted it. If we were in one of our rooms and laughing about something, I posted it. I wrote blogs on her adoption and even began the process of either writing a short story/book on her.
I doubt that anyone would have thought I was overcompensating my relationship with my sister. Sure, we had our arguments, but our friendship was full of good memories.
Since 2018, I have been extremely open with my life online. I have shared my struggles and my happiest of times. It’s not always easy to navigate sharing my stories when other people are involved, but I do my best to conceal people’s privacy as much as possible.
I am so lucky to have a husband who supports me. When I write a blog with a heavier topic that has a lot to do with him, I get him to proofread it. On, he has proofread “i waited till marriage” and “how my husband and i deal w/ my anxiety”. I don’t mind sharing my own life, but I know that not everyone has that same mindset. He has never seemed to have a problem with it, and so far, he hasn’t had to make any huge changes to my blogs.
The point I am trying to make is that I discuss my husband and marriage, because that’s the biggest part of my life. Since I post SOOO much of my life and he’s the biggest part of it, he’s in majority of my posts. My goal is not to prove to the world that we are perfect… I just want to share my good memories while also expressing my opinions and the hardships we face.
When other couples post a lot, I hardly ever think it’s due to overcompensating. It’s not to say that some couples do overcompensate, but I would say those kind of couples are few and far between. Most people are just trying to share their lives, and if their spouse is a big part of their life, they just want to share that part too.
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My book, Party Pooper: Growing up with Anxiety, is available now on Amazon (eBook and Paperback).