I can't say for certain whether I agree or not with this post, because I am not sure I truly understand.
Are you saying the Bible isn't 100% accurate because it was written by regular people?
I believe the Bible is a gift from God. In Timothy 3, we are told, "All scripture is God-breathed." He may have used imperfect people to write it, but they were merely scribes of God's Word. He used a young virgin to birth Jesus. She was just like everyone else, but God still used her as a vessel. I believe the same true is of the authors in the Bible.
Reading the Bible doesn't save us, but it does teach us about Who is saving us. It lays out what we should and should not be doing. When we kneel before God, we can't say we weren't warned of His judgement.
I enjoy your articles a lot, and I could have misinterpreted your point. This is just my view on the Bible.