Tales of a New Marriage
February 16, 2021
Grace Bianco here. I have been married for thirty-seven days.
The morning started off with me getting ready and going to work. As soon as I woke up, I could tell I felt off… mentally. I pushed my thoughts away quickly. I am a nanny and bringing baggage to work isn’t an option.
My work day was good. I even started feeling better at work, but as soon as I pulled up to my house, my thoughts weighed heavy again.
“What is it this time, Grace? Are you scared about your grandmother (She has covid ontop of having stage four heart failure and cancer.) and how your mom is really doing with the stress of it all? Are you scared to leave for months at a time with your husband? Are you sad to quit your job after all of these years?” I questioned my every thought before getting out of the car.
I could have kept going honestly. I could bore you all to death with my every tiny thought. I am a huge believer in trying to find the root behind negative feelings. Anxiety isn’t easy, but there are ways to manage it (sometimes).
My husband picked up on it quickly. He did everything he could to make me laugh, and that’s exactly what I did. I did laugh. It doesn’t take much, and it makes the world around me seem so much lighter.
I ate some lunch. I threw a load of laundry into the washing machine before leaving for the gym.
My husband’s mom stopped by for a little bit.
When she left, I had to start dinner. I made sure to clean the dishes as I went hoping to not have a messy kitchen by the time dinner is ready. I needed to fit in some time to write.
There was still cleaning to be done after dinner, and of course, I had to put away the laundry.
It was getting late, and I didn’t end up writing anything. I think I read ten pages from the book I am finishing up. It was disappointing to not write a daily post or begin writing my next weekly post. I have to give myself grace though. There were things to be done, and so, it wasn’t laziness that kept me from writing. I can at least celebrate that fact haha.
(Little side note: I am actually trying to get this post done in thirty minutes before I have to start get ready for Bible study. I will do anything to get a post in today.)
We ended the night by talking through some of the thoughts that have been weighing heavy on me, and playing a game on my husband’s phone together.
That was my day… How was yours??
See you tomorrow!! Until then, follow me on instagram @ gracekbianco for more!!