The Medium “Famous” Puppy Is Growing Up FAST

Wasn’t it yesterday that I was begging for her?

Grace Bianco


Jovi was around 5 lbs when we first got her. At her last vet visit for her five month check-up, she weighed 11.2 lbs!

It’s been a while since I talked about my puppy, Jovi. I wrote many posts leading up to her arrival, and I had a lot of Medium wondering if I was going to get her or not before Christmas. Since then, I have written about her behavior and challenges that we have had to overcome. As many of you know, Jovi hasn’t been the easiest pup.

My Puppy, Jovi 🐾

16 stories
Tri-colored corgi sitting on black cat. Both facial expressions are neutral as if this is a completely normal thing to do.

Thankfully, the days have gotten easier and easier, but we still have plenty to work on.

It’s been around 4 1/2 months since we got our little Corgi at just six weeks old. Now, she is almost 6 months old!

So, what has life been like with Jovi these days?

Jovi and our cat, Ghost, are obsessed with sleeping on top of the couch pillows.

Jovi’s Progress

Jovi can sit and laydown on command.



Grace Bianco

I am the author of “Party Pooper: Growing up with Anxiety.” I love oversharing my life. I talk about my faith, marriage, mental health, & everything in between.