When Is It Okay To Start Celebrating Christmas?
Here’s my very unimportant opinion
By Grace K. Bianco
Jesus does deserve a holiday that people freak out over.
It’s crazy how so many people have such different views on when it is okay to begin acknowledging the Christmas season. Not only are there so many differing views, but people are passionate about their opinion. Since I find it necessary to write an entire blog based off of what I believe, I must feel pretty strongly myself, right?
I will answer with “sure”, but in all honesty, I say do what ever makes your heart happy.
My Explanation
Look if you are one of those people who keep your tree up year round, you don’t really have a say in all of this. I believe in celebrating Jesus’s life all the time too, but Christmas is supposed to be a special time of year not the WHOLE year.
If you put your tree before Halloween, you’re just as bad as the year round people. I know I started this with, “Do what makes you happy”, but I am still going to say if it’s wrong or not. Who wants to go up to a house and say trick-or-treat when there’s a Christmas tree lit up inside? It’s a mood killer.
I think putting your tree up before Thanksgiving is a little extreme. I’ll give you a few points for at least waiting till after Halloween. However, I believe in fall decor when you have your family gathered around celebrating thankfulness. I understand that it seems like an easy holiday to skip. I mean I did write a whole blog on how Thanksgiving really isn’t my favorite, but I also explained the things I like about it. It’s not my favorite holiday, but we can’t just skip it.
Now, we come to the part where I explain when it is okay. I say the day after Thanksgiving.
I would have thought this was a no brainer, but my husband was not amused. It made him frown that the second we left Thanksgiving dinner with his family on Friday I stated it was officially Christmas time. He stood his ground firmly that it can’t be exciting until December first.
Here’s why he is wrong as well. What comes the day after Thanksgiving? Black Friday. A few days later, we have Cyber Monday. It’s still technically November, but everything starts going on sale for what? For Christmas. Therefore, if we can begin shopping for Christmas, we can begin celebrating Christmas. You will have almost an entire month to celebrate instead of just three weeks.
So, if you start decorating and playing Christmas music right after Thanksgiving, you are right, and if anyone argues with you, we all know now that they are wrong.
For those that start all the festivities a week before, I just feel sad. You are rushing yourselves through the BEST time of year. That’s all I will say about the late ones.
Final Thoughts
I know this was a short and mostly sarcastic blog, because usually, my blogs go much deeper and on much longer. Every once in a while, I like to throw in something a tad off just for fun. There will be two more blogs this week that I will allow you to judge me on.
My husband actually inspired this blog. If you couldn’t tell earlier, I am slightly passive aggressive towards my husband on this topic. Like I said, on Friday, he expressed why he believed that Christmas couldn’t be celebrated until December 1. So, on Saturday, I told him, “Merry Christmas”. He wasn’t amused, and that’s when I realized I must share this opinion of mine with the world.
I will write another more heartfelt blog on Christmas in the coming weeks. As a Christian, this is an extremely important holiday to me. I definitely don’t want the only blog I write about it to be on me telling everyone how wrong they are.
In the end, celebrate whenever you want. I mean that this time. This holiday should be a bigger deal than other holidays. It should be an exciting time that people are overly excited to celebrate. In all the excitement and fun activities that come with Christmas, I hope you remember what we are really celebrating. Jesus does deserve a holiday that people freak out over. I just hope we learn to freakout for the right reasons.
And don’t forget to comment down below YOUR opinion! When is it okay?
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